The Launch of the Dementia Club UK on Tuesday 11th July 2017 from 2pm to 4pm at Fairway Hall was a great success attracting about 70 visitors.
It is a partnership with the Rotary Club of Elstree and Borehamwood - Councillors, Rotarians and volunteers. CEO DCUK, Lisa Rutter gave a welcome speech and greeted the Deputy Lieutenant of Herfordshire, Stuart Nagler , the Town Mayor and Mayoress, Cllr Eric and Mrs Evelyn Silver and the Hertsmere Borough Mayor Cllr Charles Goldstein and other Councillors and representatives of organisations and all other guests.
Town Mayor Cllr Eric Silver has chosen DCUK as his Mayoral Charity this year as has the newly elected President of Elstree and Borehamwood Rotary Sasha Capocci.
Lisa congratulated the Town Dementia support committee - Town Cllrs Sandra Parnell, Eric Silver and Pat Strack, Dr Ann Goddard and Sasha Capocci for bringing the Club to the Town. Eric, Pat and Sasha are Rotarians.
A large group from the Barnet branch of DCUK came along to support us. We all enjoyed the music of the Ionian Clarinet Quartet playing a range of music favourites and thank them for their continued support. Sandwiches and cakes were served with the tea and coffee.

Sarah gave us a taste of the chair exercises she leads at each session and then it was time to complete the quiz. Sasha had made a special celebration cake which was cut and distributed. It was fantastic.
Thank you to Town councillor and Rotarian Clive Butchins for taking the photographs.
DCUK want to attract new members. If you live with anyone with dementia or know of anyone with memory loss or someone who has cared for a dementia sufferer and would like to enjoy a fun afternoon we meet every 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month at Fairway Hall from 2-4pm.