We are delighted that Boots Brent Cross Pre-Registration Pharmacists had chosen Dementia Club UK as their dementia awareness project. Boots Brent Cross store manager Kunjal Sutaria was always very supportive in previous years when our charity had dementia awareness days in the Centre part of Brent Cross.

Lisa and Mark brought the OM interactive game system which we set up at 10.00am at the entrance of the Boots Brent Cross shop. We were then met by 5 Boots pre-registration pharmacists who were there to help on the day.
As the day got busier we had quite a few people showing interest in the OM interactive game system especially the children. A few people also took some details about the charity and wanted some advice which Lisa was able to provide. Lisa stayed there for 2 hours and then had to leave as she had to go and set up the dementia club at the Finchley Memorial Hospital.
It was a very successful day and some money was also raised through collection. Thank you to all of the pre-registration pharmacists who made the day successful;
- Henal Ramgi from Boots Brent Cross
- Mira Chotai from Boots Edmonton Green
- Soma Sadood from Boots Camden
- Jona Mulla from Boots Kentish Town
- Abdi Omar from Boots Enfield Town
Also thank you to Uday Mistry – Deputy Manager of Boots Brent Cross.
Dementia Club UK would like to wish all the pre-registration pharmacists the best of luck for their future.