The students of National Citizens Service (NCS) were already waiting for me at the Town Hall entrance when I arrived. We took some group photos outside before going in. They helped me take all my bags in and I showed them the council chamber which really interested them and were taking photos as they each took turns sitting in the Mayor’s chair.

I then showed them to the Heritage room where we host Dementia Club sessions, they were so overwhelmed by the huge size of the room. So excited that they put on some music and started to do a line dance which looked very impressive.
When members arrived and settled with their teas, I announced that it was my birthday. I made a home made Victoria sandwich and I brought a special Happy Birthday candle which lights up and opens up its petals and sings happy birthday for 2 minutes. The 2 minutes however ended up being one hour!!!

Everyone enjoyed watching this and also enjoyed the cake. The session then followed with some singing and then a poem which all members took part reading and enjoyed.
It was then time for the students to show the members the line dance. Some of the members enjoyed taking part. The session ended with social activities – putting golf and table tennis which everyone enjoyed. Before the students were ready to go, everyone including the members gathered together for a group photo.

Members thanked the students. I would also like to give special thanks to all the students who were absolutely amazing and want to wish them all the very best for their future. We are looking forward to receiving the film. These 2 days will be very memorable.

My thanks to Eleanor for helping out at the session.