This was a very busy session.

Lisa started with a quiz and then we all celebrated a very special birthday. It was Pat’s 80th Birthday and we celebrated in a new style today. Lisa produced an instant musical birthday cake which looked like a real birthday cake. The cake made of plastic has glowing candle lights which when you blow they actually turn off. Pat enjoyed blowing the candles out on the cake.

Members were now ready for some Tai Chi exercise with Egon which was then followed by some singing and dancing to members favourite songs.

Lisa then introduced a large floor piano keyboard and gave instructions for members to play “O when the Saints go marching in” Lisa had sticky labels on the floor piano so that members were able to play. A few members were very interested to have a go and one of the carers managed to play the first verse.

Everyone had a very enjoyable time.

My thanks to Mark (one of my Trustees) for helping today and also John from Rotary Barnet for coming to help.