It’s been a hot couple of weeks and members who attended today were feeling wilted. The venue however is spacious and airy and this really helped.
Lisa started with a picture quiz which they enjoyed as it was not too hard. They were then given a word and asked to make as many 4 letter words as they could from the word I gave them. This was challenging as each table was competing.
One of the carers – Roopa, made some cakes as it was her special birthday last week. Members were very grateful for the variety of cakes.
Richard then came to do some yoga with members which was really enjoyable and the session then followed with Moshe. Even though it was hot, members still wanted to dance.
We had a new members today. David Graham from the Rotary brought his dad Tony who has dementia and he was also accompanied by the carer Nancy.
Thank you to our Rotarian volunteers – Valerie who is also one of our Trustees and Michael. Also thanks to our other volunteers, Gillian and Sandra, David Brill and of course Risom who is always so helpful.