Today's session was taken by Annette:

"Today’s session went well and Moshe was very good, neither him nor the members were eager to end the session at 4p.m!

There were 41 members today and we were grateful to have Volunteer, Melissa and her husband Bob on hand to help.

The afternoon was spent creating Christmas cards for our loved ones. As the year comes close to an end, the session was spent making customised cards for members to send out to some of these people to show them how much appreciated they are.

Thereafter, we had a quiz on cities and things. Moshe took over and at the end of the session, I reminded members to join us at Brent Cross on Friday and also at the next two sessions. We definitely had a wonderful time together as usual."

Volunteers Bob, Melissa, Mark, Lisa & Annette
Volunteers Bob, Melissa, Mark, Lisa & Annette