This was a busy session with the arrival of 15 ‘Friends in Need’ members.

Rotarian John was away today so Lisa took over running the session. Jim the Rotary President attended with Malcolm, Victor and Simon.

Once everyone settled, Lisa started the session and then asked Simon to introduce the quiz which was a name the faces quiz. It was not easy however and members kept asking for some clues.

Richard then attended to do some Yoga. Everyone joined in as Richard makes exercising enjoyable.

Richard doing some gentle exercises
Richard doing some gentle exercises

 James Le Bec then arrived and members were ready for a little dance. Thank you again to our Rotarians, Andrew from the Church and our ladies Dorothy, Brenda and Sue for making the teas and coffees and looking after the members.

Thank you also to my husband Mark and also our doctor – Dr Rebecca Hatjiosif who attended to take some blood pressures.