Today’s session at Hendon Town Hall was extra special for so many reasons. We not only had quite a few members but we also had a new member join us with their family. Lisa the Chairman welcomed the members and introduced the three members of Rotary Club of Hendon informing members that the dementia club at Hendon Town Hall will be led by Rotary Club of Hendon. The Rotarians were led by their President Eugenia Dike, Charlyn Duru Club Secretary and Rita Nwokeji a registered mental health nurse and Vice President of the club. Members were very receptive of the new volunteers and were made to feel very welcomed.

Rita, Charlyn, Lisa and Eugenia
Rita, Charlyn, Lisa and Eugenia

Charlyn led the session and started with a Quiz. Members enjoyed it thoroughly as they were able to give correct answers to most of the questions.

Concentrating on the quiz
Concentrating on the quiz

The session then followed with exercises led by Eon and Jane. Members were spoilt today having two exercise instructors. It was the first time Eon attended and members thought he was great.

Exercises led by Eon and Jane
Exercises led by Eon and Jane

It was then time for some music entertainment by James – a new entertainer who played lovely music from the forties, fifties and sixties reminiscent of older days. Members enjoyed James’s choice of music so much to the extent that they engaged James in conversation about his career. James has performed all around the country and abroad including the entertainment capital of the world- Las Vegas. Rotarians and Members danced to the music. There was conviviality amongst the dancers and some were shouting ‘ENCORE’

James – who played lovely music from the forties, fifties and sixties
James – who played lovely music from the forties, fifties and sixties

Eugenia’s mum Elizabeth also attended as a visitor who said she enjoyed all the activities. She exclaimed (her own words) ‘I have now come to London, it is a beautiful experience’

Feedback from members and their family carers was very positive and said they were all looking forward to the future sessions. Everyone left with a smile.