Members really enjoy attending the sessions at Copthall. Although this is a temporary venue until the new building is ready, members have great fun.

We also had 2 new volunteers join today - Stella and Zara. Lisa welcomed everyone and gave them some magic painting to do which they all enjoyed doing very much.

Lisa also did a short quiz about the year 1955. This was a year which was picked by one of the members. The questions for that year promted some very interesting events that took place during that year which members found interesting.

It was then time for Annalisa with her fitness exercises for members and today Annalisa wanted to concentrate on the lowere part of the body. Members always enjoy the exercises with Annalisa as she makes it fun.

It was then time for our music entertainment with James Le Bec and as usual this always gets members up and dancing. James' 'name that tune' and rolling the Dice is also great fun as the challenge is trying to get a number 6 in the throw so that we get a high score and beat other organisations. A great fun afternoon.

Thank you to Annalisa today for all her help in setting up and clearing up after and also Mark (one of the Trustrees) who helps throughout the session and all the lifting and carrying.