Members were welcomed today by Lisa and Rotary President Eugenia as Charlyn was away. Lisa gave members some water colour painting which was  enjoyed by all whilst drinking their teas/coffees and chatting.

Eon our fitness instructor then arrived and as usual gave members a really good and fun work out. We also had a birthday to celebrate today as it was Mabel’s 87th birthday. The birthday was of course celebrated in the usual DCUK fashion and Mabel was very happy and had lots of fussing from family and friends.

We were then joined by James Bernard our music entertainer who is absolutely magical as he gets everyone motivated and up dancing straight away. He will be missed as next year he is following his dream career in New York where he will become even more famous. Good luck James.

Thank you to our Rotarians Eugenia and also another Rotarian visitor Laurence who enjoyed the session.