We had a good number of members today. Muz and Faz from Ping Is King Ltd set up the games on the other tables and also had prepared some colouring for members to do whilst they were having their teas/coffees and biscuits

Muz asked members to either write or talk about their new Year’s Resolutions. Everyone preferred to talk and therefore each person around the table took turns. It was interesting to hear all the different resolutions and some quite funny.

The session then continued with Yoga with Richard which is always great fun and a good workout.

Members then sat around the other game tables which were ready and set up by Muz and Faz and enjoyed passing the small table tennis balls across the table to their partner opposite through the colourful cups as a challenge. It was a very enjoyable afternoon.

Thank you to Muz and Faz and Mark and also James one of the carers for helping set up the tables.