We had 16 members and carers during the Dementia Club today plus one guest, Maria our doctor’s mother. As soon as the members arrived, they were offered teas and coffees plus biscuits before the entertainment started. Lisa welcomed all attendees and made some announcements including advice on how to protect against Corona virus based on advice from the Council’s Public Health committee.
As Tuesday 23rd of February was Pancake Day, Lisa read some interesting history facts about Pancake Day and also why we celebrate Pancake Day as it is the beginning of Lent. Lisa also read a couple of jokes about flipping pancakes which made everyone laugh.
Muz and Faz followed with the Pancake theme and distributed drawings of pancakes for the members to colour in. Members enjoyed doing their colouring whilst also enjoying their teas and cakes.
Muz and Faz then introduced their seated table tennis with the colourful cups. 8 players sat opposite each other and followed Muz’s instructions to bounce and pass the table tennis balls across to each other. A couple of members also enjoyed playing table tennis with bats. Members had great fun and as usual volunteers were kept busy picking up the balls.
The session then continued with the usual sitting down yoga by Richard. Richard did some interesting exercises for about 30 minutes. Again, all the members joined in and had a laugh.
The yoga was followed by our new very energetic music entertainer, Ian James. Ian sang some popular songs and managed to get everybody to join the singing and to get up and dance.
Thank you to our church volunteer Dorothy for making teas and coffees and Church Warden Andrew for setting up the venue. Thank you also to our Rotarians from Barnet, John, Jim and Malcolm. Also, many thanks to Annette for her assistance, Doctor Rebecca Hatjiosif for her support, plus Lisa for her continuous support, making the Dementia Club at St John’s Church successful.