It was lovely to see quite a few members attend today at the Finchley Cricket Club. The daily news about the Coronavirus is depressing but members were determined to have a good time.

As usual the tables are organised by Julian and Jacqueline the hosts and also Jacqueline is busy making yummy sandwiches and cakes which are then distributed on each table. Members feel really spoilt when they are there.

Lisa welcomed everyone and then asked Julian to say a few words about an event at the Finchley Cricket Club on the 27th March. Lisa then distributed the ‘alphabet quiz’ again today and this time asked members to think of words to do with ‘Things that you can wear’ There were 5 tables and each table had to make sure the other table did not hear their words.

It was very competitive and some of the words were really imaginative and fun. As it was also ‘International Women’s Day ‘ yesterday, Lisa read out some poems, one of which was very funny and members enjoyed.

The session then followed with exercises with Eon and as usual Eon makes sure that everyone's exercises even the ones right at the back. It’s always great fun and everyone loves Eon.

The exercises lead on without any pause with music entertainment with Ian and today Ian also brought his dog Theo who is a good boy and loves the attention. As always Ian’s bubbly personality is electrifying and members soon are up and dancing. It was lovely to also see Julian dance with one of the members.

Thank you to Julian and Jacqueline for being perfect hosts and thank you to our only Rotarian today from Golders Green Sheila for attending and helping and of course to Mark.