We had a tremendous response to our first virtual Dementia Club session today with 37 participants with their families which equated to about 70 people engaged in the session.

Lisa did her usual welcome which initiated a lot of waving and everybody chatting and trying to talk at the same time. It was lovely to see so many familiar and new faces after such a long lock down. It was very overwhelming for everybody.

Lisa running the first virtual session from her office
Lisa running the first virtual session from her office

Lisa then introduced our musical entertainer, James Le Bec who was pleased to see everyone. He did a number of favourite sing-a-longs and although everyone was muted during his performance you could see everyone was singing and waving their arms.

James then did his usual music quiz which everyone enjoyed. Everyone was un-muted for this part of the session which produced a lot of excitement from members shouting out answers.

Lisa then introduced Richard Kravetz who gave fun yoga chair exercises. It was hard work for some members due to the lack or exercise during lock down but there were still lots of smiles and laughter. Everyone thanked James and Richard for their fantastic performances.

To finish off Lisa read a couple of jokes as Lisa has always said to members "laughter is the best medicine" and finally got everyone to sing their favourite song - "She'll be be coming round the mountain", then wishing everyone a safe journey "home".

Due to the success of this session we will be running this every Wednesday at 3pm. We will consider more sessions if there is a demand.