We had 17 members today with their carers. Our new opening times for the session at 2pm is working well and members appreciate the extra time to chat. Lisa welcomed everyone as they joined. James Le Bec was then ready to start his performance and sang a few songs before starting his music quiz which everyone really looks forward to. James’s sound system is now perfect. Everyone was on mute whilst James played each song for the quiz and then un-muted for the answers. Everyone did really well in the quiz scoring 24 points. Thank you to Joy in the background who helps also. James then finished off with the 2 favourites ‘Coming Round the Mountain’ and Doris Day. Thank you James.

Richard Kravetz was ready as soon as James finished to start the chair Yoga exercises. Today it was chair Yoga with a twist. Everyone is always very engaged doing all the exercises which are also great fun. Richard continues straight after the exercise with a short quiz and today the quiz was about Britain’s favourites. It was interesting to know in the quiz that Britain’s favourite biscuits before the pandemic was ‘Chocolate Digestives’ and Britain’s favourite snacks after the lockdown were ‘Cheese and Onion crisps’. The highest scorers in the quiz today getting 8 out of 10 were Gina and Chris, Frances and Keren, and Pam and John, Well done to them. Richard informed the winners that their prize today is a virtual box of ‘Cheese and Onion crisps’.

Thank you Richard.

Lisa then continued with the session reading a few story jokes and then called out the Bingo numbers. The winners today for the Bingo were Pamela and John. Well done to them.