We had 23 members today, The karaoke show started as usual at 2pm and followed by the chat session at 2.30pm. Lisa welcomed everyone and also wished those who were Jewish – Happy Shavuot which commemorates giving of the law the Torah  and is celebrated by eating dairy foods. A discussion then followed as today marked more restrictions lifted by the Government to be able to eat inside restaurants/pubs and meet other families. Lisa also reminded everyone about the carers group meeting and the topic of discussion tomorrow with Andrew and also mentioned about the extra zoom session this week on Friday 21st May at 2pm celebrating Dementia Action Week and also the partnership with Barnet carers. Lisa also suggested a topic of discussion tomorrow during reminiscing time – Foods of the past compared to the present and history of dieting. Everyone thought it would be interesting.

Katie our music entertainer then joined us and today Katie sang Disney movie songs which was very enjoyable. Eon then joined us for the exercises and as usual gets everyone working out hard.

Lisa then did a true and false quiz and Mark wanted to try a new method of getting everyone to use their device to answer instead of pen and paper. It was a trial for Friday. Everyone enjoyed the quiz and also the challenge. Lisa then called out the Bingo numbers and today’s winner was Karin and Corrado.