We had 18 members today. The Karaoke session started at 2pm and then the chat session followed at 2.30pm. We had a new members today and Lisa made sure to introduce her to other members and encouraged a chat to help her feel relaxed and comfortable. James Le Bec then joined us for the music entertainment and sang a few songs to start with. Lisa asked James to sing if possible a jazz song as the new lady liked jazz. Lisa then also asked James to sing happy birthday to Joan whose birthday was tomorrow. Everybody sang together and Joan was very grateful.

The music quiz today was naming comedians and actors. It wasn’t easy but everyone enjoys the challenge. The winners were Brenda and Stephen, Pam and John and Jackie and Joan. James then asked members to name 10 types of trees for extra points. James finished off the session with a medley of 60’s songs which everyone enjoyed singing along and ended up singing – ‘You are my Sunshine’.

Richard Kravetz then joined us for the Yoga exercises which everyone always enjoys. Today Richard was also instructing members how to take deep breaths to cool down in the heat. It involved sticking their tongues out and knowing how to curl the tongue which was not easy for everyone. Richard then continued with his quiz and today’s quiz was about biscuits. The winner was Jackie and Joan and Pam and John with all the correct answers.

Lisa then called out the Bingo numbers and todays winner was Joan (the birthday girl)