We had 10 members today. This was our first session in our new programme. Everyone enjoyed a chat and then Lisa did a multiple-choice quiz. James Le Bec then joined us with Joy for the music entertainment. This also included a music quiz and at the end the first letters of each answer are used to play Countdown which makes it challenging trying to find different words.
We then had Eon Walters who did the exercise to music and as usual gets everyone really working out but always good fun too.
Lisa then called out the Bingo numbers with her lovely assistant Chrystalla who always helps out. The winner today was Frances and Ranjet.
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Lisa welcomed everyone and also welcomed our Trustees – Dr Angela Parker and Valerie Chodosh and also welcomed Andrew Wrensch a qualified trainer who does seminar training on topics of interest for carers and also works in a care home as a development manager.
Lisa also welcomed our new members and visitor Shakira Nurmohamed – a Client Liaison Manager at Signature Senior Lifestyle. A new Signature care home has nearly been built in Wood Street Barnet. There is also a similar care home in Hendon which is now open.
The following was discussed.
NHS Continuous Health Care ‘CHC’
Lisa mentioned that the previous week, a carer talked about the difficulties and challenges he was experiencing in completing an NHS Continuous Health Care ‘CHC’ form. Lisa mentioned that she had spoken to someone who had gone through this process and was also having the same difficulties but she found a very good solicitor who succeeded in winning her case and therefore her CHC was approved.
Lisa has further organised for this solicitor to visit our carers group meeting next Tuesday 17th August at 7pm. Her name is Rachel Burley-Stower from Martin Searle Solicitors. In the meantime you may like to read the following to get a better understanding about CHC before Rachel visits next week.
Andrew has provided the attached continuing healthcare checklist which provides details of the questions asked.
I have also provided below a summary of the 11 criteria called Care Domains and what they mean;
- Breathing* – can you breathe independently or with support?
- Nutrition – what care do you need to ensure you get enough to eat and drink?
- Continence – your control of your bladder and bowel
- Skin integrity – the condition of your skin: poor skin integrity can include pressure sores, wounds or infection
- Mobility – your ability to safely walk or move about without support
- Communication – how able are you to articulate or explain your needs?
- Psychological and emotional needs – such as anxiety, mood disturbances, hallucinations, or distress
- Cognition – does your disability or disease cause confusion, memory issues, disorientation, or an inability to judge risk?
- Behaviour* – is your behaviour a risk to yourself, others or property? Can it be anticipated or minimised?
- Drug therapies and medication* – is your medication or pain difficult to manage safely?
- Altered states of consciousness* – when your mind is aware but not fully in control, putting you at risk of harm (for example, if you have epilepsy)
The needs marked with an asterisk (*) are considered more important and pressing than others
The Checklist can be completed by a variety of health and social care practitioners, who have been trained in its use, including, for example: a registered nurse employed by the NHS, GPs, other clinicians or local authority staff (such as social workers, care managers or social care assistants).
The outcome of the Checklist depends on the aggregate number of A’s, B’s, and C’s scored. Generally speaking, in order for the CCG to consider doing a comprehensive Full Assessment, you have to have a minimum ‘score’ in the Checklist:
- 2 or more ‘A’s
- 5 or more ‘B’s (or 1 A and 4 Bs)
- or at least 1 A in a domain with an asterisk*
Homeshare Scheme
There was also mention about Homeshare. Homeshare is someone who is unrelated to you shares your home and offers companionship and practical help in and around your home. Please see the link from Barnet Council:
Barnet Council which also gives details of costs. I have also included a link from Age UK:
No Sugar Biscuits and Cakes
There was also a discussion which Lisa had raised about whether we should also provide no sugar biscuits and cakes at sessions especially for those with diabetes. Lisa mentioned how she recently visited a number of supermarkets and was unable to find no sugar biscuits and cakes.The shops had Gluten Free, Vegan, No Wheat and Low Sugar biscuits and cakes but nothing with no sugar. However Lisa said that she managed to find no sugar biscuits and cakes online.
Dr Angela commented to say that we should be careful with any products with alternative sweeteners as depending on the kind of sweeteners used they could have some bad side effects and in many cases it would not stop the craving for the real sugar as our brain is not fooled. It would be better to have one biscuit you like.
Someone mentioned whether we should take certain vitamins like B1 and B12. Dr Angela commented that generally if we all have a good balanced meal then we should not need to take any vitamins. There are of course people who may be deficient in some vitamins and there could be a medical reason for this. Dr Angela explained that there are people for example who do not absorb B12 and therefore need to take B12 injections.
Dr Angela has provided the following links below;
B12 The Vegetarian Society - https://vegsoc.org/info-hub/health-and-nutrition/vitamin-b12/
Vitamin Deficiency anaemia – Symptoms and Causes – Mayo Clinic
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Click on the image below to download a pdf of the programme.

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Today was our first session at the Finchley Memorial Hospital after 18 months. As this venue used to be very full, Lisa decided that it would be best to introduce a booking system. We therefore had 21 members today.

Unfortunately, there were a few teething problems being the first session with tables and chairs but we managed to get everyone eventually seated and comfortable with their cups of teas/coffees and biscuits.

It was lovely to see one of our previous regular volunteers Melvyn who came to help and also our Trustee Dr Angela Parker. Members had lots to chat about and it was lovely to hear members saying how lovely it was to be back. Lisa got everyone to do a sing-a-long with their favourite songs before our Music entertainment started with Ian James who was brilliant as usual and Ian got everyone up and dancing in no time. It was a great session.
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Lisa welcomed everyone and introduced Mike Rich – CEO of Barnet Carers and partners with Dementia Club UK. Lisa also introduced Trustees Dr Angela Parker and Valerie Chodosh and gave Andrew’s apologies.
Lisa first asked Mike to talk about the new digital ID card. Mike mentioned that after further feedback from people, he has removed the date of birth from the front of the card. Anyone interested in an ID card please see below.
Barnet Carers e-ID scheme
Barnet Carers e-ID scheme. This is for carers living in or caring for someone in Barnet. I will send you a separate email with the link for carers not living or caring in Barnet,
Here is the link for carers living or caring outside of Barnet.
There was also discussion about carers assessments and getting carers help. Please see below regarding assessments
Barnet Carers assessments
An opportunity for you talk about the support you need which can include a FREE leisure pass, access to counselling, access to grants providing financial support. The assessment can be done over the telephone and normally takes between 30 and 40 minutes or you can complete a form online.
For any of the above please contact Mike Rich
There was discussion about finding the right carers:
Mike Rich CEO of Barnet Carers;
Mobile number 07977 487761
Barnet Carers Centre
Global House, 303 Ballards Lane, London N12 8NP
Marcelo Navarro – Christies Care
Managing Director – Mobile: 07960761274 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Monique - Unique Care
Mobile: 07583 564201
Lisa then asked members if they had any concerns they wanted to discuss.
Continuing Health Care ‘CHC’
One of the members talked about the difficulties in applying for Continuing Health Care ‘CHC’
Lisa mentioned about some of her personal experiences and was aware of the difficulties and challenges faced in trying to apply for CHC. The scoring system makes it very difficult for approval. Dr Angela also gave some advice and mentioned that it was important to provide as much full detail as possible about day-to-day experiences. Lisa also mentioned the same and that it was important to keep a diary.
Lisa has been able to find out after speaking to another carer today how she found an excellent solicitor who specialises in CHC. She was able to win her case and CHC was approved.
The Solicitors are;
Rachel Burley-Stower – Tel: 01273 609911 Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
There was also discussions about what you do if your loved one tends to wander. The following product and other advice was suggested.
Argenti personal alarm
Lisa suggested the Argenti personal alarm which has been discussed in previous carer group meetings on the 13th April. The Argenti care technology device offers peace of mind not only in and around the house but also when you go out and even abroad. Information can be obtained through Barnet Council or the Argenti website. Please see the link below:
Herbert Report
Lisa also suggested the Herbert Report. This was previously discussed in the carers group meeting on the 13th July.
The Herbert Protocol is an early intervention and risk reduction scheme to help find vulnerable people who are at risk of going missing. The protocol is named after a war veteran of the Normandy landings named George Herbert, who lived with dementia in a care home.
The link below is from the Metropolitan Police and the form can be downloaded.
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